APPIANO GENTILE - In an entertaining interview with Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini, Nerazzurri centre-forward Christian Vieri spoke a bit about everything. The interview will be aired on the club's television station during the news bulletin at 19:30 (2).

Do you feel like you're the team leader?
No, because we've also won without me. Every player at Inter is important, there's an ample and valid squad. We're all working in the same way and every Sunday we try to give our best.

Is this year's motto 'few words and lots of facts'?
I don't speak much because they write things I never said. After a while it annoys you and you don't speak.

After Crespo, Batistuta has also said it's easy to play by your side...
They are great players. Above all, they're nice people. Everyone knows they're good players. But if you see them every day you understand immediately that they are nice blokes. There's a great squad here and we all get on very well together.

It is said you have an excellent relationship with the president and the coach...
These are things that are said when everything is going well. If things were going badly, it would be said that I don't get on with anyone. But I'm never interested in these things. I continue on my path and try to do my best.

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