APPIANO GENTILE - In an entertaining interview with Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini, Nerazzurri centre-forward Christian Vieri spoke a bit about everything. The interview will be aired on the club's television station during the news bulletin at 19:30 (3).

You have a great relationship with the fans as well, above all with the Curva Nord (North End)...
Yes, it's a very good moment. The people at the stadium want to see a bit of a show, so after the goals we have be actors a bit... We need to continue in this way because in Italy the people are consumed by football. We need to entertain them a bit...

A fan that wrote in to Inter Channel says it's a scandal you've never been among the top ten contenders for the Ballon d'Or...
The real problem is that I don't get on with the journalists. I don't like them and I'm not a bootlicker. There are others that have better relationships, but it doesn't interest me. I continue on my path and I don't think about who should win the Ballon d'Or to understand who is good. I just want to win something, it irritates me when I don't win. I don't care about the rest.

Have you been out with Batistuta?
We went out to lunch together. He was alone and so was I, so we agreed to meet. When we entered the restaurant some children spotted us. After lunch there were about one hundred children outside the restaurant...

Do you get on well with children?
Yes, with other people's. It's ok for two or three hours. Me an uncle? Yes, I'm everyone's uncle.

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