APPIANO GENTILE - In an entertaining interview with Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini, Nerazzurri centre-forward Christian Vieri spoke a bit about everything. The interview will be aired on the club's television station during the news bulletin at 19:30 (1).

With your right foot, left foot, with your head, from the penalty spot, with your knee or with your thigh... You've scored in every way possible. What's left?
A goal scored with my hand...

According to the statistics, you've never had such a positive season. What's the secret?
The secret is training every day. Things are going well. I'm playing with continuity because I'm training well. This is the most important thing. Then you score or miss goals... Recently the ball has gone in and that's good for me...

Which of the sixteen goals scored up to now do you remember in particular?
For me, every goal is good, even those scored in front of goal. It might seem easy for the fans, but for a striker every goal is good and important.

So you must play every match...
After Sunday's match everyone said they were three easy goals. But if I had missed them, like what happened to Milan... If I'm not there, I must be there. Then, when I score goals, it's too easy. No-one ever agrees.

The president said you seem younger...
Yes, I'm twenty-two years old... I'm well and I hope I'll continue in this way, touch wood. We're also playing well as a team. It was a difficult match on Sunday, they played with nine or ten men in front of goal. Everything became much easier after the goal.

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