An invitation to the Italian Embassy on the part of a special fan

BELGRADE - A portrait of Queen Elena, the Italian sovereign born in Montenegro, the elegance of the embassy and the passion for the Nerazzurri. This was the backdrop in Belgrade, where a very sincere and special fan, Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio, invited Bedy Moratti for a visit. The Vicenza-born diplomat, who boasts a long career in the field, experienced the great period of the 1960s as a young Inter fan and his passion for the blue and black has never wavered. He was there in Madrid, and manages to keep himself up to date on the team despite his commitments. And when asked why he is a Nerazzurri supporter he provided an interesting response.

"Through diplomacy I have become accustomed to an international context, and so cheering for a team linked to internationality, both in their name and history, is something natural."

Also present at the meeting were Ivana Pejovic, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia, Andrea Arnaldo, the Italian Consul in Belgrade, and Maurizio Fabris, a director on the Inter board.

 Versión Española  日本語版  Versione Italiana 

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