Cooperation continues on the pitch in the cities of Migdal HaEmek and Yafia

MILAN - The challenge goes on and the Inter Campus team have once again visited Migdal HaEmek and Yafia, two small Israeli cities, home to Jews, Christians and Muslims. From 14 to 18 January our coaches Alberto and Lorenzo held a training course, involving coaches, instructors and children from the local area.

Cooperation between the two communities that live and work side by side is always problematic, but our work with kids and sport can make a small contribution to restoring peace, if nothing more than teaching them how to work together on the football pitch.

We would like to thank Michael Levi of NILIT Ltd., who helped us to once again realise this small but important project. We are trying to build ties to pave the way for cooperation, while we wait to involve the Arab community beyond the wall-border, something which prevents the two sides from enjoying a normal relationship. We hope to one day knock this down through football, and have the two sides make peace.

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