The president spoke to RAI on youngsters, Stramaccioni, Zanetti, sporting justice, Inter Campus, the future

MILAN - Massimo Moratti was a guest on the programme "5' di recupero" [5 minutes of injury time] on Rai Uno. Interviewed by Carlo Paris, the Inter president focused on Nerazzurri topics as well as other subjects. Here at inter.it we give you his full statements.

President Moratti, what do you have to say about the success of Inter’s youth academy, which continues to churn out talent?

"It's important for the future of the club. The youngsters have earned good results but most of all they’re very good players. This means having done a good job in order to build something like this."

Regarding your gamble on Andrea Stramaccioni; you recently compared him to Mourinho. Was that a paradox or something you truly believe?

"I made the comparison to his devotion to his work, because that’s an important asset for any professional. Sometimes when distracted by your fans and popularity it’s not so easy to find this kind of dedication. But he has it and it’s something natural. Now if he could only manage to get the same results as well… [smiling]".

Regarding Conte and similar cases, in your opinion does sporting justice need to be reformed?

"Let’s not stir up controversy, because there’s always someone who believes he’s right. However, things begin with the desire to change everything. I believe that sporting justice is overwhelmed with work at this time. Every day unfortunately we read things that show us that these people must face, and have faced, very serious problems. I think it’s hard to negatively judge sporting justice…"

From Juventus to AC Milan. The Rossoneri seem very interested in Pep Guardiola, who was perhaps one of your targets.

"But I already have a good one… [smiling]"

Returning to the youngsters, with the Inter Campus project you have decided to provide happiness through football to many less fortunate children. Recently you’ve become a Goodwill Ambassador of the UN because of this project. Should football re-find those values that it’s perhaps lost?

"These are social values in general, but I think it’s right in an environment that’s seen as a wealthy one. It’s clear that it’s a very easy way to bring joy to others. Football must rediscover these values, but not through these things, which are only owed to the will of those who do them. I’m talking about values, rather than lies and the temptation to always feel good while seeing others as bad…"

Regarding values in football, there are certain figureheads who exist. Would you let Javier Zanetti go as Juventus did with Alessandro Del Piero?

"But I'm not at Juventus, so I don’t know what the reasons were. Zanetti is a fantastic lad, just as I believe Del Piero was. He has a future written out for him that he wants, meaning that there’s also a future for him as a director, should he ever stop playing football… [smiling]"

There has been talk of the Chinese, more for the stadium than for the club. But in the future, we hope as far in the future as possible, will Inter pass into the hands of another Moratti?

"If it were also to happen as soon as possible it would be something good… [smiling]. Young people are always better, but I really don’t know about this. I believe that the evolution of football is an evolution towards a very big company. Since I’ve been in charge at Inter I’ve believed that the next step is to have everything run by a very big company, a multinational or something similar. Then we’ll analyse the situation. We’ll take a look at things and see what happens ..."

President Moratti, do you truly believe in the Scudetto?

"I do believe and I must believe so that the players believe as well..." 

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