This evening at 21:00 you can see the Nerazzurri coach's exclusive interview on Prima Serata

APPIANO GENTILE - We have a very special edition of Prima Serata lined up for you at 21:00 this evening on Inter Channel: to see 2011 off in style our guest is none other than Claudio Ranieri. Direct, sincere and always combative. That's what the coach is like and so too is what he had to say in a long chat with the fans through Edoardo Caldara.

One of the things the fans are most curious to ask him about is the incredible calm he has always shown since arriving in the Inter dugout. Ranieri explained: "If I'm calm, it's because I get it from the team. I give to them exactly what they give me in training. Then in a match things can go one way or another but that comes afterwards. For me the main thing is seeing the players running and fighting; that's what counts.

"The players are constantly observing you, every time you speak. If you're able to talk on their wavelength, good, if not... you've had it [smiling]. As I've explained to the players themselves, I have to understand all of them whereas they only have to understand me. It's easier for them; the coach on the other hand has to find the way to get inside each of their heads. And for each player you have to do that in a different way. With some of them it's easier, with others it's not so easy. Maybe with those who are often used as substitutes you need a bit more time because they all think they are on form and ready to play, and they want to do their bit. It's up to the coach to choose which players are right for each occasion and which ones should be brought on midway through the match. Nowadays your three reserves aren't just reserves: they can turn the game for you."

Don't miss tonight's date with Claudio Ranieri: tune in to Inter Channel (Sky Italia, channel 232) at 21:00.

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