MILAN - (ANSA) "I don't have any memories or anecdotes in particular and at the moment I don't want to because the sorrow is stronger. His passing away provokes great pain for whoever knew him, and for the greatness of the personality that goes down in Italian history both from the industrial and international relations points of view."

Moratti explained that his father Angelo was linked to Gianni and Umberto Agnelli by "a relationship of great mutual esteem and affection" and that he had "many memories of the charismatic Gianni." Between the Moratti and Agnelli families "there has always been a relationship of great competition, but, above all, of great respect and this goes beyond sports competitions. The controversies and competitions form rivalry of a certain type, but in reality with Gianni and the Agnelli family there has always been mutual affection and esteem."

Moratti added, "It's a great shame, also for the physical pain he has suffered and also for the family related tragedies that have occurred."

After Avv. Prisco, football has lost another important personality. Moratti: "It's difficult to make comparisons between two different, but important people, both popularly and for what they have done. It's certain that they are missing in a moment which needs strong personalities and reference points."

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