MILAN - (ANSA) - "I don't think Facchetti spoke with accusatory terms, I think he just repeated that it's a slightly embarrassing situation. We're not forcing anyone to take a step backwards, it's a question of good taste, but we can go ahead like this with the confidence that everything will be in order." That was the comment of Massimo Moratti regarding the controversy yesterday which stemmed from Nerazzurri vice president Giacinto Facchetti, who defined as "embarrassing" Adriano Galliani's position as president of the Lega Calcio.

Following the presentation of Batistuta today, Facchetti said that Inter didn't vote for Galliani at the assembly last summer in which Galliani was elected president of the Lega Calcio. Interviewed on the subject, Moratti explained that he wasn't present in the moment Galliani was elected because he didn't think that day would be the decisive day for the future of the Lega Calcio.

"It seemed that election would have postponed the choice of Lega president to a later date. It seemed that neither of the two candidates would have won and so there would have been another vote. Similar situations have happened even in elections for more important presidents, but this doesn't take anything away from the fact that the situation is embarrassing."

The Nerazzurri had a representative present for the vote, but Moratti declined to say who Inter voted for. "The vote was secret then, and it still is."

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