Bank data for donations to raise funds for people of Genoa area affected by flooding

MILAN - The Lega Serie A has created an account with the sole aim of raising funds for the people of the Genoa area that have been hit by the recent flooding. 

Lega Serie A president Maurizio Beretta stated, "It is a tragedy that affects not only the city of Genoa, but all of us. We’re starting with our own contribution and now we invite anyone else that is willing to do the same. It doesn’t matter whether they’re part of the world of football or not. It’s about supporting the initiative with additional donations, with the hope that our work can serve to relieve, at least in part, the suffering of the people in the flooded areas that have been affected over these last several days."

The Lega Serie A has contributed an initial amount of €200,000, and on their website they will provide updates on the status of the donation and its use, which will be mutually decided upon by the city’s two clubs, Genoa C.F.C and U.C. Sampdoria, along with local authorities. 

Here are the details for donations at the Intesa Sanpaolo account:  
Account name: Lega Serie A il calcio per Genova
IBAN: IT42 I030 6901 6031 0000 0066 728

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