"We've got a team here, you could see that. Besides the physical side of our game, we had the right mental attitude"

TURIN – "We knew where Juve's strengths lie, but we also knew we had to attack them and we got it spot on," explained Esteban Cambiasso after the Serie A encounter at the Juventus Stadium.

"Can this win mark a turning point? Or prove decisive? I don't think it's decisive, it's definitely important. We said the result wouldn't change the fact that we're a developing side. There's a project in place and we'll see how long it lasts. We were very confident. I'm sure that individuals can do nothing without the support of the team. And we have got a team here, you could see that. Apart from the physical side of our game, we also showed the right mental attitude. Handanovic made some great saves but then he's a big-team keeper. Samir pulled off a crucial stop to deny Marchisio and we deserve credit for trying to play our game," Cuchu remarked.

The Nerazzurri midfielder was then asked if Inter can now be considered Juve's antagonist: "We're Inter, we don't need to be anyone's antagonist. We must concentrate on our own season and give 100% in every match. As Inter we have to fulfil certain obligations towards the club we represent. I find it hard to separate the players from the coach. When things are going badly, we're all in it together and the same is true when they are going well. During the pre-season, somebody said that Ivan Cordoba is on the other side now, but it's not like that because we're all in it together, we're Inter together. The other side is the other teams."

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