Midfielder on Inter Channel: "Lots of games between now and Christmas. We all have to be on our toes"

APPIANO GENTILE - Ricardo Alvarez is back, ready to take to the pitch again and help the Inter cause as soon as possible. "We're about to start again and then it will be non-stop until Christmas," the midfielder told Inter Channel. "We all have to be ready to do our bit because with all the games we have coming up you never know who will play and who will be rested. We have to be constantly on our toes because your chance can come at any time."

The first obstacle is Catania, a side Inter need to be careful of. Alvarez continued: "They're in good form but we're high on confidence and we've started to click as a team. We have to keep it up, we can't relax. It's a long season and we have to be prepared to play every game as we have done until now. Personally I feel good. You're waiting to see me again? Me too."

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