Sport as a means of encouraging a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet


Food is the fuel that drives us, even more so for children and athletes. Playing sport contributes to healthy development and requires an appropriate diet to replace the energy expended on the pitch.

Every year, Inter Campus offers thousands of children the chance to practice sport, enhancing their motor skills, coordination and development. In many parts of the world, our partners support significant food projects to educate youngsters on healthy eating. which is compatible with the local way of life.

The whole village comes together to provide snacks for the kids, with wonderful mothers preparing fresh juice for the team and children sharing the sandwiches they've brought from home. The ask us about pizza, an Italian stereotype even in children's dreams. They're all smiles as we try their local dishes. Lots of fruit and vegetables in the tropics but also hot soups where the winter is harsh.

At the end of the game, snacks allow both sides to socialise, and even defeats are a great learning experience.

Inter Campus always has the feel of a celebration.

 Versión Española  日本語版  Versi Bahasa Indonesia  Versione Italiana 

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