The shape, size and material of the goal doesn’t matter – nothing beats the feeling of playing football with friends


MILAN – We all knew the drill, even as kids. A couple of jumpers thrown down a few yards apart on the grass and you had yourself a goal. The posts were imaginary and the crossbar varied according to how tall the goalie was. If he could reach it, it was a goal. If not, nothing doing.

The hundreds of goals used by the children of the Inter Campus project really do come in all varieties: tiny, crooked, iron, wood, moveable or simply painted on. The truth is, each goal encapsulates a little bit of the place it’s located in.

Despite the differences, what they have in common is the desire of each goalkeeper defending their clean sheet and the joy of each striker scoring a goal. And if that thunderbolt ends up breaking the post, who cares? It’s just another opportunity to work together with your mates before kicking off again.

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tags: inter campus
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