Kisci's story sums up the essence of what our ever-present social project works to do


BUDAPEST – Krisztian, more commonly known as Kisci, spent his youth growing up on the receiving end of the Nerazzurri's charitable wing and has now joined the Inter Campus coaching staff at the Cseppko shelter home in Budapest.   

Kisci and Katai are one of the youngest coaching duos in the whole of Inter Campus, but they have our complete trust because they know this world extremely well. It gives us great joy to see one of the children grow up, pull on the coaching kit and get involved with the running of the project, which also involves his three brothers. 

This was certainly the highlight of the visit to Hungary that also included many important meetings and action-packed training sessions in Budapest and Szendrolad.  

The Inter Campus coaches put 100 kids through their paces in Szendrolad, an added bonus to the work put in every day by local trainers Gabor, Tomas and Szoti. The rain and cold weather were not enough to halt the kids' workouts, which carried on inside the gym and on the full-sized pitch outside the school.  

In Budapest we met up with Andrea and Yildico again, representatives of our local partner Love is the Answer, as well as another Krisztian, this time the director of the orphanage in Cseppko.

Krisztian has always been a great fan of Inter Campus and is keen to find new ways of working together to improve the present and the future for these little ones. There are plans to use football as part of a programme at the orphanages that will promote the talent and ability of the youngsters.  

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