Tonight's matchwinner gives his take on the win: "I thank God and my team-mates. We fought for every ball. Now we need to stay focused on the job"

MILAN – He scored his first goal for Inter tonight and it was worth three big points, a 1-0 victory on the night and a fifth successive win for the Nerazzurri this season.

Interviewed by the media after his header saw off Verona at the Meazza, Felipe Melo said: "I thank God and my team-mates. We deserved these three points."

Asked about criticism from certain sections of the media, he replied: "It doesn't bother us. We're staying focused on the league but as I keep saying it's more important to finish the season well."

He then spoke about the difficulty of tonight's match at the Meazza and his hopes for the future: "It wasn't easy to play against such a physical side who get every man behind the ball. We worked really hard and fought for every ball until the final whistle. It's important to stay top but we want to achieve something important come the end of the season. We have another game to win on Sunday and it will be even harder than tonight's."

"I'm happy to be at Inter, a club I've liked for a long time. I just get on with the job. I want to be successful here and help make history with Inter."


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