Massimo Ciocci looks back on the success of the project, analyses the growth of football in Japan and outlines his plans for the future


NAGANO – "It’s been an intense two years with many challenges both in terms of practical, on-field matters and organisational demands. In collaboration with Technos College, our local partner Black & Blue Stripes has supported us every step of the way, providing us with first-rate facilities and human resources," declared Inter Academy Japan technical director Massimo Ciocci as he paid tribute to the project, which began back in 2013.

"Having grown up in the Nerazzurri youth academy and represented the first team, Inter is like a second family to me. Thanks to Inter Academy and its technical director, Marco Monti, we have managed to implement a long-term project and effectuate constant updates with the help of the staff and the Inter youth academy coaches.

"Thus far, we’ve opened four football schools for children between the ages of five and 12 in the cities of Tokyo (Yoyogi, Odawara, Sagamihara) and Saku, with around 300 youngsters signed up. In the future, the objective is to increase the number of children involved and subsequently open new sites, all the while maintaining great professionalism and quality in all aspects of our work – that’s what sets us apart. Another important target is to help local coaches to develop by training them in accordance with the Inter guidelines," continued Ciocci.

Ciocci also spoke about Japanese football in more general terms: "The sport is constantly growing here. Japanese youngsters have excellent attributes in terms of technique and coordination and are extremely willing to put the hard yards in and show dedication in their work. We are working on their mentality, in order to bring that footballing personality out – this is sometimes hidden by their nature as people.

"Every year, we arrange for a group of children to travel to Milan for a training experience, during which they’ll face sides from the Inter youth academy and its affiliates. This allows them to further develop their technical abilities and also strengthens their character," explained Ciocci.

Last but not least, Ciocci was keen to thank everyone who has made Inter Academy Japan the success it is today: "I must thank Marco Monti, Roberto Samaden and all of the Inter Academy and Nerazzurri youth academy  staff. I would also like to say a big thank you to my wife Pamela and daughter Beatrice, who live with me here in Tokyo, and my son Riccardo, who often visits. They have made this experience in Japan a much easier one for me."

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