Primavera winger interviewed by Inter Channel on his 19th birthday, which he spent training with the senior squad: "Mancini explains tactics to me so well"

MILAN - Gaston Camara celebrated his 19th birthday training with the first team today. After this morning's workout he stopped to chat to Inter Channel about his birthday and how he's finding the step up.

"I wanted to celebrate but I haven't had time! I'm here training with the big boys and it's a magnificent experience that will help me with my development. The gaffer's teaching me so much from a tactical perspective. When we're going through a drill and I make a mistake, he stops play and explains to me exactly what I need to do."

The Guinean youngster has enjoyed a fantastic season for Stefano Vecchi's Primavera team and also had the chance to make his debut with the senior side. How do the two compare? "The tempo is very different at this level. First-team football is far more physical. But everyone's been so helpful and I'm learning loads."


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