Adapting to changes in a country undergoing massive transformation, Inter Campus continues its work in Angola with the Polidesportivo Dom Bosco


VIANA (Angola) – A return to Viana. After six years, Inter Campus was back in what was once a rural village and has now become part of an ever-expanding Luanda. It’s an expansion that continues to push the shantytowns further to the periphery, which is why the children in these outskirts are the main beneficiaries of our work.

There were many new coaches who came from the recently opened centres of Calulo and the farther away Cabinda, an Angolan enclave north of the Congo River. Among them we had the chance to catch up again with Tuninho and Joao Dombosco, who in 2009 took part in the Inter Campus World Cup and today are young, inspiring instructors for youth players.

Our coaches Alberto and Juri held a clinic consisting of theoretical and practical lessons that fascinated the participants, including Father Stefano Tollu, our contact at the Polidesportivo Dom Bosco who also handled the interpreting duties during the course. As always, Father Stefano took advantage of the opportunity to add spiritual support to all the other elements involved in a typical Inter Campus training session.

We’ll see you again in Benguela in the autumn! 

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