"We went all out for the win with our substitutions at the end, maintaining the same formation. Kovacic played very well, as did Hernanes"

MILAN – "What's the formula to solve these problems? The formula for a coach is to keep the squad training well, creating chances and not coming under too much pressure. We always try to win, we must always go for the three points, whether we're winning or losing," began Walter Mazzarri as he spoke to the media after Inter v Bologna.

"We came into the game on the back of a few strange matches and you could sense the pressure. We held back a bit, almost as if we were afraid to win, and yet we still created the chances. We went all out for the win at the end, making substitutions that forced players slightly out of position but it meant we could maintain the same formation. Kovacic played very well, as did Hernanes.

"I'm not interested in talking about us missing out on targets. People who have seen our games this year know that we deserve to be in Europe. Football is not an exact science, I don't know what happened today. Anyone can miss a penalty: Diego is a top player, an expert penalty taker and today he missed one. But even their second equaliser had an element of luck about it. I guess we're not used to taking penalties any more. Diego was fresh and determined whereas Palacio had used up a lot of energy and was probably less well placed to take it. Besides, they agreed among themselves in a matter of seconds. I told the lads they'd given their all. This period will pass, we'll get to the end and then we'll weigh everything up.

"I never said it was all down to bad luck, I said it's about getting penalised by incidents. Look at that Bologna shot which flew through a crowd of legs. Or their second goal. You can't say Bologna didn't get the run of the green. How can you correct something like that? I'm just analysing the way the game went. The mistake from the spot was par for the course with the way things are going for us at the moment since there's a high percentage of errors.

"Juan Jesus? I wouldn't like to say either way now, we'll look at him over the coming days.

"The TV images of me saying 'It's almost as if they do it on purpose'? That was with Frustalupi, it's something we say in Tuscany - that instead of shooting at goal we shoot at ourselves. It's a way of saying nothing's going our way: even when we put in a cross or a shot we hit one of our own players. It's just a saying, meant in a positive way.

"Looking at when they scored their first goal, you can say that we were playing well. And then with their first chance they went and scored... I'll look over the game again tomorrow with Frustalupi. We always spend a lot of time going over our mistakes but we're conceding strange goals. If Nagatomo had kept his cool he wouldn't have got turned like that [in the build-up to the first goal].

"In Verona I shouted myself hoarse during the interval to gee up the players, because we have this nasty habit of switching off every now and then. In Livorno I spoke to them in a normal tone of voice and I later regretted it - I should have torn the dressing room apart. You get times like tonight that defy all logic."

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