"And I thank everyone for it because Inter belongs to the fans"

MILAN – It may have been an 'ordinary' shareholders' meeting, but it was anything but ordinary. That much was apparent right from the beginning, as president Massimo Moratti shook hands with each and every shareholder before taking his place at the table. At that point the entire room rose to its feet and erupted into a long applause. One minute, two minutes, three, four... it seemed as if it would never end.

It was what he himself defined as "an exceptional meeting, because a change is taking place, to build the future." In a long speech, he reflected on his 18 years at Inter, "a wonderful adventure". He thanked the board of directors, the shareholders, all those who have worked, played and coached at the club and all those who have supported it, before reiterating that the 16 trophies won belong to everyone.

He assumed responsibility for any mistakes made and spoke of the dignity of those who have worked alongside him over the years: "I'm honoured to have worked with all those associated with the club, they deserved to stay," he said, stressing that whatever the situation, the last word was always his.

He spoke about the intelligence of his players and coaches - not only their ability on the pitch or in the dugout - who were part of a special club whose essence "even Mourinho took a while to understand".

And he spoke about his family who have accompanied him while "suffering in the good sense" and who are looking to see how the future will evolve. It will be a future with new partners "who will enable us to achieve more success and lead our club into important new markets. People who understand the importance of this adventure and who will make plans worthy of Inter."

The ordinary – but exceptional – shareholders' meeting confirmed the board of directors composed by Massimo and Angelomario Moratti and Rinaldo Ghelfi. The next meeting, the one that will define Inter's future, is pencilled in for 12 or 15 November.

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tags: club Moratti