The captain with Frustalupi and Cordoba at the FIGC meeting, along with CAN A referees, directors, coaches and other club captains

MILAN - This afternoon at the Lega Serie A offices there was an FIGC meeting involving referees of the CAN A, directors, coaches and club captains. Present for Inter were Nicolò Frustalupi, Ivan Cordoba and Javier Zanetti .
Before entering, the Nerazzurri captain answered questions from some of the many journalists present at the event.

Here at we give you the official version of Zanetti’s statements:

How are you feeling now?
"Much better. I’ve started running and I’m expecting everything to proceed well."

How much would you pay to be able to take part in Inter v Juventus?
"A lot. But my team-mates will do their part to make it a great game."

Everyone has Juventus down as favourites for Saturday’s game at the San Siro. What do Inter have to do to turn this prediction around?
"Juventus are a great team that has been playing well for years. We’re going to give our all. I believe we’re a team making rapid progress. It won’t be an easy game. We’ll see what happens on the pitch."

How much of Inter’s strong start comes down to Mazzarri?
"He brought in his ideas. We try to do everything on the pitch that he asks of us and we’ll continue to do so. Hopefully in the end big things will come from it."

Do you have a projected date for your return? Is it something you’ve spoken with the staff about?
"No, we’re all happy with how the recovery has been going. We’ll see. Next week I’ll have another check and maybe I can even increase the workload."

Of all the things going on in this team right now can you tell us what has struck you the most?
"It’s a very united team that knows what it wants on the pitch. This also comes down to our coach, and we hope to continue with this progress because it’s a fairly new group with a lot of youngsters. I think they’re capable of doing really well."

How did Diego Milito look to you on Saturday?
"I saw him the previous Saturday with the Primavera team and against Lugano where he also managed to score a goal. This will certainly boost his confidence. He’s trying to at least make it to the bench for the big match against Juventus."

Do you think Inter can be the dark horse this season?
"Our thoughts are on playing a leading role again. We want to get to the final match battling with the teams that are contending for the title. We want to be there too."

What kind of coach is Walter Mazzarri compared to those of the past? Do you feel his presence during the week?
"You always feel it, which is something positive. He’s someone who likes to work hard and always looks after every detail. I think you need a coach like him for a big team like ours."

Earlier you spoke about youngsters. How are the new players, who also happen to be quite young, fitting in to this team?
"I think they understand what it means to wear the Inter shirt. Some of them are already showing what they’re capable of, although maybe a few still haven’t had the chance to do so. They’re all really hungry to do well and help out the team."

You arrived at Inter just a few months after Massimo Moratti did. You’re probably the player who knows him better than anyone at Inter and in Italy. How is this story regarding the potential sale of the shares affecting you?
"He seems quite relaxed when I talk to him. He’s trying in every possible way to do what’s best for Inter, just as his family did and as he’s always tried to do. We know what he feels for this team and that’s why I always say I don’t see an Inter without Moratti."

If your comeback goes well do you think you could continue to play at 41 years old?
"I’ll definitely think about it. My first thoughts are on a strong return, and if I feel I can still be useful and important to the team then I’ll assess all possibilities."

What kind of game will Inter v Juventus be? How do you try to win it?
"It will be a big match, as it always is between these two great clubs. It’s a game you really get up for: it means a lot and we hope it goes well for us."

Today you’re speaking with the referees. And in the past there have been some particular incidents between Inter and Juventus. What kind of game can we expect from this point of view?
"I hope the referee is very calm, that it’s a game of football and nothing else. And may the best team win."

It’s the week before Inter v Juventus. How are your team-mates experiencing things? What kind of state will Inter show up in?
"As I just said, it will be a big match. It’s a shame so many team-mates are away with their national teams. However, you can feel it in the air."

Have you said anything to your younger team-mates who just arrived about how to prepare for this game?
"I think they already know what a game like this means. Hopefully it will go well."

Is there an Inter v Juventus match you remember with a particular fondness?
"There are so many of them. The one with Maicon’s goal when we ended up winning the treble. In the end they’re all big games."

Are Juventus the Scudetto favourites?
"I think Juventus are a great team and I’m sure they’ll fight to the end to win the league."

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