Children's enthusiasm and warmth while training and at final party help melt away social tensions in the Marvellous City

RIO DE JANEIRO – A few days ago we would have begun our account of Inter Campus' week-long stay in Rio de Janeiro quoting the city's anthem, this "Marvellous City, full of a thousand charms, birthplace of samba and beautiful songs that live in our souls". Because, although Inter Campus is in touch with the most difficult face of the areas we work in, we always go back to Rio with music in our hearts.

Recent events in the country might have clouded our memories a little but have not come as a complete surprise to us. The signs were already beginning to seep out of the energy of a city in ferment: international events, the pacification process in the favelas, the restructuring work in progress... Contagious, vital energy, gushing with tension at the same time.

At Inter Campus that's something we've sensed to a greater extent in the deprived communities which haven't been pacified yet but where our project is active and where the community has to count the cost of living alongside gangland bosses on the run and bent on claiming power. Then in the papers we read of the mass demonstrations. Most protesters are middle class: educated youngsters who have taken to the streets to express their indignation at the enormous sums of money spent by the government on big sports events, the high cost of living and the poor quality of public services in this South American giant with a population of over 194 million.

It's a city of contrasts. The favelas and the rich residential areas, the mountains and the sea, the monkeys of the forests and the surfers on the beach. But this visit - even more so than on previous occasions - enabled us to shuffle the cards and bring together very diverse worlds.

Inter Campus' week began with a freezing downpour that forced project head Aldo Montinaro and coaches Alberto Giacomini, Gabriele Raspelli and Juri Monzani – all ready to take the first training session – to cancel the programme planned in Baixa do Sapatero, where civilians had been caught up in a shoot out. Fortunately our time with the local trainers and fantastic kids in the other Inter Campus centres went ahead without incident.

The children were particularly excited because they were able to play on their simple pitches with brand-new footballs in the knowledge they would soon be getting the Nerazzurri shirts sent from Italy. Sometimes you can't help but be touched by the magic these kids feel when they are given a new Inter Campus kit, which offers them both a sense of belonging and an opportunity in life. Unfortunately the reality is that we often find ourselves having to contend with some extremely complicated customs procedures. On this particular occasion we had the Italian Embassy in Brazil and the Consulate-General in Rio de Janeiro to thank for their crucial intervention.

Indeed Inter Campus now have some new friends in Brazil and we all celebrated together at the end of the week. On Saturday 15 June, 300 children from ten different Inter Campus centres in Rio gathered – under the supervision of Inter Campus Brazil coordinator Hildebrando Rodrigues Gonçalves – at the Casa Do Marinheiro to receive their Nerazzurri kits and play with their friends and trainers. Admiral Campos and Director Sotomayor hosted the event, welcoming the children, the authorities and the special guests, while getting involved in the activities in first person.

Italian Ambassador Raffaele Trombetta opened the official award ceremony. He was followed by Italian Consul Mario Panaro, Rio State Secretary for Sport and Leisure André Lazzaroni and vice-president of SAP and Global Sponsorships Chris Burton, who had flown in specially from New York not only to take part in the initiative but also to discover the Inter Campus reality. Also assisting the proceedings were Communications and CSR director Cristiane Brito and other SAP delegates, as well as politician Renata Bueno and Inter Campus representatives. All of whom took part enthusiastically, immersing themselves in the sea of radiant kids.

The Inter Campus Rio coaches and kids felt no awe in the presence of their important guests, and instead won everyone over with their natural warmth, disarming smiles, spontaneous hugs and samba rhythm, of course.

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