The forward to Inter Channel: "I was hoping to celebrate my 100th goal in the Serie A with a win, so I'm not happy"

MILAN – This evening Tommaso Rocchi scored his first goal for Inter, which also happened to be his 100th goal in the Serie A. He described his feelings to Inter Channel: "I’m sorry about the result. It would have been better to celebrate my 100th goal with a win. There were some dubious episodes and also a decline on our part considering that, when we were ahead 3-1, we could have managed the situation better. There were two penalties, on Ranocchia and I? I think both could have been given. I don’t know what the referee’s assistant near the goal was doing."

The forward continued: "My goal was certainly important. I hadn’t scored for a long time and I needed to regain the right mindset to face matches and get my form back. But as I said, I can’t be entirely happy. I play for an important team and it’s fundamental that the team do well. Personal achievements are less important to me. But the goal itself was certainly a nice one; I beat my man and put it in from a sharp angle. It made me happy to hear the fans cheering for it. But I’m sorry because we wanted things to go differently and we didn’t manage to make that happen.

"I know there will be more room for me now and I’ll have to prepare even better to face these matches. But it’s not just about me, and what matters is that the team do better than we did today. Alvarez? I’m really happy for him and I’m sorry when he’s criticised because I know it’s not easy. He seemed a bit down at the end of the first half, then he reacted very well with two goals. It’s a shame they didn’t help us win," concluded Rocchi.

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tags: rocchi
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