"The players did what the press predicted we wouldn't; they showed pride and were dangerous. Well played"

MILAN - "I thought it was the perfect game." This is what Massimo Moratti said to Inter Channel after the match.

"The players did what the press predicted we wouldn't, they showed pride and were dangerous. We're all very proud of the team, I can only congratulate them. We went out, okay, but had it been the Champions League I'd have been a lot more disappointed!"

"Of course extra time can take its toll in terms of our next league match but this is huge from a psychological perspective. Us fans, when the team isn't doing well, we'd get rid of them all, but when things go better you realise everyone's quality: tonight we saw that we can rely on young and older players alike, who have character and pride. This mix, this form needs to be maintained. Kovacic? He's got great character, he's got good vision and great maturity."

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tags: Moratti
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