Coach admitted Spurs' superiority and rued "those two great chances we had with Alvarez and Palacio..."

LONDON – "I think Tottenham were better than Inter in more than one way. Physically they're the most difficult side we've had to face." Those were Andrea Stramaccioni's first words as he reflected on his team's defeat in North London.

The coach went on: "Our main regret is that we didn't make the most of those great chances we had with Alvarez and Palacio, because it would have left us with a better chance of qualifying. The early goal got Tottenham really buzzing and that's precisely what we didn't want to happen. It's a shame because it might easily have ended differently."

Stramaccioni refused to write off Inter's chances though: "We've got the return leg to play and we have to try and win it. Football's a funny game and you never know. Inter have pulled off similar comebacks in the past, although as I said we really struggled to cope with them physically in the box. We tried to stop them getting on the ball between the lines but they still managed to do what they're good at. We've shown right from the start that we want to do well in the Europa League but unfortunately we went into the match with very few options available to us and several players weren't in top shape. Still, we must give Tottenham the credit they deserve."

The coach was also asked if he and Cassano have made up completely or just signed a truce. "There's nothing to make up, it's all in the past. He played tonight and got on with his job. Inter just need to concentrate on continuing their path," Stramaccioni stressed.

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