While it snowed over in Italy, the Nerazzurri delegation was out training in the sun in Camocim

CAMOCIM - “A tournament will today be taking place in the gym,” said the building’s spokesperson. “If you want you can train later, or in the meantime, you can watch the matches from the stands.” During our visits, we often ask our partners to add extra activities to their usual weekly schedule. This is because we want to make the most of our time wherever we are, capitalising on the kids’ desire to play with us Italian coaches as much as possible. And if certain locations are occupied…Then there is no need to lose hope! 
This was the case in Camocim, when upon hearing the news, we tried to think of an alternative solution. Coincidentally, we soon found a small patch of untouched sand next to the initial building, rarely used due to the heat. It didn’t take long until we realised that this would be where we’d train. 
Tutors and kids looked at us shocked: “How will we train in the heat? And how will we play on the sand?” In the land of futsal, beach soccer is a new prospect, which at first can be intimidating. However, not long after we were all out playing and experiencing a brand new set of circumstances. Having overcome initial scepticism, the kids soon gained confidence and were attempting headers and bicycle kicks. With the enthusiasm that encapsulated the entire session, it seemed like no one had any thoughts of the initial building by the end. We helped local coaches Jorge and Dan Dan make the first step, who’ll now have the chance to choose the best place to train on a daily basis, providing Inter Campus with yet another card to play. 

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