A Nerazzurri love story from China: Javier Zanetti offers his wishes to the happy couple


MILAN – Can somebody’s love for their football club ever match that for their husband or wife? In Xian Mei’s case, it seems the answer is yes.

A young lady from Harbin in the north-east of China, Xian Mei is a huge Inter fan who has been fighting liver disease for a couple of years. Suning have joined other Nerazzurri figures in offering support and helping her get the necessary medical treatment. She is currently waiting for a transplant, but her health has significantly improved.

A few days ago, Xiao Mei married her childhood sweetheart Zhang Wei, who is also a massive Nerazzurri supporter. The two decided to celebrate their marriage by organising an Inter-themed wedding and got in touch with the club’s official WeChat account to make their biggest dream come true: a video message from Javier Zanetti. Needless to say, the vice president was more than happy to respond to the couple’s request.

On behalf of everyone at F.C. Internazionale, congratulations to Xiao Mei and Zhang Wei on their Nerazzurri wedding! We hope you love each other as strongly as you love Inter.

 中文版  Versione Italiana 

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