Lots of fun and new Nerazzurri shirts for the children of Puerto Iguazu

It's now a fact. Inter Campus bring football, fun and rain to Puerto Iguazu. The clue's in the name, given that Iguazu means 'big water' in Guarani, and perhaps it doesn't just refer to the wonderful waterfalls that make this place famous around the world.

Yet the kids are used to the tropical climate and the day it rained in no way dampened their spirits. In fact, it was a happy day for them - they were given Nerazzurri shirts, as the week's activities with the Inter Campus staff began.

The Inter Campus project in Puerto Iguazu is run with local partner Fundacion London Supply, working with 150 boys and girls from the primary school in the Primero de Mayo neighbourhood. The foundation and the school are a real blessing for the run-down area.

Young people can study a range of subjects from nursery until secondary school and the curriculum includes Inter Campus for sport. Lest we forget, students can have lunch every day at the school and that is very often their only meal of the day.

The kids were excited to be a part of the Nerazzurri family and they had the chance to play alongside Inter Campus coaches Paola Balconi and Gabriele Raspelli. The coaches were joined by local coordinator Fernando Besasso and Gustavo, Laura and Gullermo, the PE teachers who will continue to teach the children throughout the year.

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