The Brazilian midfielder was speaking to Inter Channel: "Inter must aim high. Playing for this club is a dream come true"

PORTLAND – With the backdrop changed from Brunico to the United States, Inter press on with their preparations ahead of the 2016/17 season.

"It's been four years since I last started the season this early," declared Felipe Melo in an exclusive interview with Inter Channel. "Last year I didn't have pre-season with the team and indeed after a bright start there was a drop-off in my performances.

"As well as the athletic side, I think tactics are fundamental in modern-day football. Every player must carry out the coach's requests."

The Brazilian also gave his opinion on last season, his first in a Nerazzurri shirt: "Without pre-season under my belt, I knew I would run into difficulties during the campaign. I kept on training all the time, even at home, and I think this helped me to finish the year on a bright note. Physical preparation is crucial for us professional players.

"I came here to help the team. I grew up watching Inter victories and when I pull on this shirt I feel happy. It's like a dream come true for me. We have to always aim high, the objective is to get back into the Champions League."

Melo also touched on the aspects the team needs to improve upon: "We have to avoid making the same mistakes we made last year. We dropped too many points in the second half of the season but we performed well against the top sides.

"The Europa League means we will have more games during the year but playing in Europe is always nice, especially with the calibre of opponents you come across."

Next up was a comment on Nerazzurri supporters: "They supported us throughout, even when things weren't going so well. We have to win for them, we have a great fanbase."

Felipe signed off with a few words on the Brazilian national team and the tragic scenes that have struck Turkey recently: "It went badly for us in the Copa America, now let's hope we can win gold at the Olympics, especially because we're playing at home.

"I was very upset at the events in Istanbul over the last few days. I lived there for four years and I have many friends there still. We need more peace in the world. We are all one family, without distinction."

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