Unforgettable day for everyone at Indonesia Pavilion who were treated to two special visitors


RHO - Erick Thohir must have felt he was back at home in Indonesia while visiting EXPO Milano. The Nerazzurri president found time ahead of Inter v Fiorentina to visit his country's pavilion at the Universal Exposition currently being held in Milan, along with his partner and Inter board member Handy Soetedjo.

There was a memorable welcome at the Pavilion's entrance that made Mr Thohir feel right at home even before he boarded a plane back to Jakarta. Indonesian food had been prepared specially for the occasion with satay chicken and yellow rice on offer, accompanied by coconut water and jasmine tea.

Then it was time for virtual reality company Oculus to take centre stage, as they 'transported' the guests around the diverse and beautiful Indonesian countryside. The whole experience was augmented by the atmosphere within the Pavilion itself, filled as it usually is with rich spices and unique colours, precious fabrics and typical objects from Indonesian wood and silver traditions.

Before setting off, there was time for everyone to take photos and exchange autographs in order to preserve a little memento of a wonderful day. 

 Versión Española  Versi Bahasa Indonesia  Versione Italiana 

tags: Thohir
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