"I’m sorry for the players and for the fans. The match changed after the first goal." Here’s what the Nerazzurri coach had to say following the defeat at the Mapei Stadium

REGGIO EMILIARoberto Mancini spoke to the press minutes after the defeat to Sassuolo: "The team started well. We were on the attack and had a couple of chances to score. But then they made it 1-0 with their first chance of the game, and the match changed after that.

"We commit too many mistakes. But we started the game in the right way. Nothing’s going right for us at the moment, so of course we need to improve. Unfortunately, in Italy results are what count, so when you don’t win the reaction is all negative. So we hope to improve quickly.

"The team is clearly a bit fragile as we suffer at the first sign of difficulty, but we are trying to play our football and it’s a shame it ended like it did today. We definitely haven’t deserved to lose our last two games – we were the ones dictating the game today and we had more chances than Sassuolo. Sometimes there can be discord between the fans and the team, but I hope that we can sort that out because we need our supporters.

"We let Zaza and Sansone shoot on two occasions in situations we’d worked on during the week, and we weren’t strong enough at times. We’ve improved in terms of our possession but we definitely need something more in the final third. It’s all going a bit wrong for us at the minute and the lads are down as a result. But that’s a football match for you – it can all change in an instant. The result is all that matters, but the defeat shouldn’t change our approach," declared Mancini.

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