With the terrible flooding hitting Paraguay, the Inter Campus children and their families need our help


For over one month Paraguay has been getting hit with torrential rains, which are causing some of the worst floods in the country’s history. 

Over 300 thousand people have had to leave their homes. Among them are also the 200 Inter Campus children and their families, hailing from Cateura, the rubbish dump neighbourhood of Asuncion, located near the Paraguay River. 

The water has flooded and washed away their homes, as evidenced by the photos we are publishing today. The photos were sent by Julio Gonzalez, ex-Vicenza player and Inter Campus Paraguay representative since 2009. 
We invite all fans to support these children together with Inter, so they can get back to playing, studying and a peaceful life once again. 
You can make a donation to the current account of the Associazione Futbolistas y Amigos Solidarios de Paraguay, specifying the reason for payment as "Emergenza Alluvione Paraguay" [Paraguay Flood Emergency]. 
The funds will go towards the purchase of food, medicine, drinking water, blankets and winter clothes. 
The data for donations: 

Beneficiary: Asociacion Futbolistas y Amigos Solidarios de Paraguay
Bank: Vision Banco SAECA
Address: 780, Estados Unidos Casi Fulgencio R. Moreno 
City: Asuncion 
Country: Paraguay 
Current Account: E/24953/6 
Reason: Emergenza Alluvione Paraguay 

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