Giorgio Ricci, Inter's commercial director, explains the new features, beginning with the recently launched season ticket campaign

MILAN - The key word for the Nerazzurri next season is 'together'. The team and fans together as always, but also together with families, encouraged to attend matches not only by the offers included in the season ticket campaign, but also by what they will find at the stadium. A match is always an event and it's even better if you can enjoy yourself before kick-off just like ahead of Inter v Lazio on 10 May: the fans will be welcomed in much the same way next season, with music, games and entertainment.

In the offices at the Meazza that Inter has set aside for season tickets, more than 1,500 fans have already renewed their seat. Giorgio Ricci, Inter's commercial director spoke to us about it.

"Compared with last year, season ticket holders will have up to five extra matches this season. Apart from 19 league games, they will have the Coppa Italia last 16, the Europa League preliminary round and - once we get through that - three group games included in the price. We've tried to simplify and speed up the procedure: there are dedicated season ticket kiosks at the stadium via gate 13, which are open from 13:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday. There will also be special opening times on Saturday and Sundays, all the details are on the website."

Renewing or purchasing a "siamo noi" card which you need in order to subscribe for a season ticket was never a simple process.

"It's one of the first issues we looked at. If you request or renew one at the San Siro, while you buy a season ticket, it's free and the card is given straight away at the end of the transaction. Being together also means looking at people's problems and helping to solve them. Obviously the online option is still available with the card then delivered to your home address. If you already own a valid card, the online option allows you to register quickly from your own computer, choosing your seat from those available."

The early booking period for renewals runs until 8 July but you can sign up now for a season ticket.

"This is another new feature: you can choose an available seat now. That means we have supported our existing season ticket holders, whilst in turn tried to do something for those becoming season ticket holders for the first time."

'Together', the campaign's tagline, is set to benefit families.

"We mean it in the fullest sense of the word. There are still deals for over-65s, grandparents and we've extended the concessions in the first tier Blu-Green and Orange to the second tier Orange too. Whereas before there were only discounts for boys and girls under 14, these have now been extended to anyone under 18. So if you imagine a typical family with one or two children under 18, they will now have one or more discounted season tickets."

A women's section...

"The first tier Orange, at the same price as last season."

Lots of sales points, besides online.

"Vivaticket offers a huge amount, over 600 in Italy. Just think in Milan city centre alone we have Mariposa and Mondadori Multicenter in Piazza Duomo, Ricordi Media Stores on Galleria Vittorio Emanuele and Mondadori on Corso Vittorio Emanuele. If you live in the west of the city there's Mondadori in via Marghera, Ipercoop in Piazzale Lodi for residents of the South-East and Ipercoop at the Centro Sarca in the north."

Together to win but also to have fun.

"It's essential we restore that atmosphere to the stadium. Football is about passion but also happiness. In fact, it might even be the most important thing. The San Siro needs to be synonymous with entertainment, with the pleasure of coming early to the stadium to take part in activities that involve the fans. Did you see Zanetti's last match for example? There were tattoo girls who painted JZ4 on the fans' faces and people really liked that. An arena with loud speakers, supporters' seeing themselves on and waving to the big screen: fans going to watch Inter at the Meazza will be in for a fuller, more entertaining experience. We think it essential that going to the stadium this season has a different connotation."

 Versión Española  Versione Italiana 

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