The coach speaking at a news conference: "If you look at where we started out, it wasn't a given that we'd get back into Europe"

MILAN – "It's the numbers and the league table that matter and that's why I had to wait until the end of the season before speaking my mind. Getting back into Europe was a target that wasn't seen as a given last summer. I think overall it's been a very positive year, one in which we did lots of good things. I'd like to thank my backroom staff and everyone else who's supported me in trying to get the most out of the squad I was given to work with." That's how Walter Mazzarri opened his press conference at the Stadio Meazza today.

Asked is he's sure he will remain in the Inter dugout next season, he replied: "Absolutely certain. If for nothing else because I have a contract. I received a very nice phone call from president Thohir after we were mathematically certain of a European spot. He was very happy that we'd achieved our target and Massimo Moratti was very pleased too. That gave me an even greater sense of satisfaction.

"How can you not see it as a positive year when you reach a target? If you look at where we started out, it wasn't a given that we'd get back into Europe. I don't understand how you can assess a year like this negatively.

"My biggest mistake? We could have done better and that includes myself. Looking back I could have done better in certain games. Overall we drew too many matches, there were some when we threw the points away after being in a leading position. There were times when we weren't clinical enough to win the game. But I take responsibility for it all – I'm the main person in charge. For sure there were more positives than negatives.

"What annoyed me most? I might not be all that popular with some people but I am very self-critical. When I hear objective criticism of my work I take it on board. That's what I do with the people I work with: the final decision is mine but I always listen to everyone. I've always been open to exchanging views, I want people to tell me things, that's what I do with you and those who criticise. When I realise that the criticism is unfair, I don't even listen to it and I just get on with my job. I know how certain things work and I take them for what they are. Sometimes unfair criticism just motivates me even more.

"Piero Ausilio has already said everything there is to say about my contract renewal. The main thing is that people value your work. I see that's the case and it's been demonstrated to me day after day. Ausilio has already spoken so there's no point going into it any more. I already have a contract. At Napoli I worked with an expiring contract and the players know I'm capable of doing a good job even if I only have a year to run on my contract, but in the coming days we'll talk about an extension based on certain factors. You have to be convinced about moving forward together in the long term, sharing the same vision.

"I think my career speaks for itself. I've always done a lot of work on the training ground trying to increase the players' technical ability. And if we can't compete on a level playing field with certain other clubs in the transfer market considering the financial parameters, then that's where we need to improve. I'd ask you to inform our fans so that we can do our jobs in the best conditions possible. In this case it's up to the club to speak about Financial Fair Play and the guidelines we intend to follow in the transfer market. I'll hold a press conference on the first day of our summer training camp and I'll tell you what I think about what we've done up to then and what we'll try to do next year.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I'm proud to have been able to work during this particular year with four great champions who wrote history at this club. They wanted to get Inter back into Europe as much as I did and I thank them: we said goodbye in the best possible way. Those lads and the reference points they represented will be missing next year, but from my point of view I was able to see it for myself by working at Inter for a year and I know a lot more for it. We've laid the groundwork to make a good start next season by giving the team a positive mentality – I hope to see that on the pitch next season. Lots of young players have developed and improved and they will be more experienced next year. Things like that give me reason to be positive."

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