The Argentine youngster is the guest on tonight's episode of the interview show: "An honour for me to be able to wear the Nerazzurri shirt"

APPIANO GENTILE – Hosted in the Inter Channel studios to film tonight's episode of InterNOS, Ruben Botta spoke about his first few months at Inter.

He's already made some impressive appearances in black and blue but he's still seeking his first goal: "I've been close to scoring but I haven't managed it yet. I'm lucky to be playing in this great team and I can only get better."

To Interisti, the name 'Ruben' brings back memories of Ruben Sosa: "Unfortunately I've never had the chance to see him play. I can say that it's a pleasure and an honour for me to be able to wear the Nerazzurri shirt. So many great and successful players have passed through this club."

On crossing the Atlantic to continue his career in Italy: "It was hard when I first arrived. I went into the season coming off of an injury and I was in a new country, but there are lots of Argentines here who have helped me. The fans too: they've been so nice to me I really can't find the words to thank them. I was a bit afraid the first day I arrived. I'm very timid by nature and I had no idea what to expect. Samuel looked after me at the Pinetina every day and gave me a huge hand."

You can see the whole of Ruben Botta's interview on Inter Channel at 21:00

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