"Heurtaux’s handball? Sometimes you say it could go either way. But how is it possible that we never get one whistled in our favour?"

MILAN - "Six goals scored in eight home matches? And how many other episodes were there? How many chances did we create, like this evening in the last half hour? If I started making a list it would never end." Words from Nerazzurri coach Walter Mazzarri after Inter v Udinese.

"I wasn’t happy with our first half. Udinese are a tough opponent, but it was very even. In the second half we deserved at least two or three goals from the 60th minute onward. First we made them tired, then they couldn’t make it out of their own half anymore as we created chance after chance. But if you don’t score… The lads did well. It gives us hope for the future. The team was always in it. They were well organised and gave little away, playing the way they know how.

"We were man-marked in every inch of the pitch. We sent in so many balls from the flanks, and all we needed to do was turn one of them into a goal. But that certainly isn’t easy against Udinese. Those chances need to be put away. That’s the only way to do it.  

"You’re already talking about my contract? I believe the discussion concerning my contract is set for the end the season. There’s already dialogue going on within the club and I believe it’s going well, but there are still a few details to work out. Most of all, I think we need to end the season well, and then we can start from there. After the season’s end we can evaluate everything together calmly. We all have the same purpose in mind.

"Sending on Alvarez for Guarin? In the second half I had two central midfielders, Hernanes and Cambiasso, and I left two forwards up top to try and create a 2-v-1 situation with Alvarez and Jonathan. Udinese weren’t expecting it and needed some time to reorganise. That’s when we started creating more chances. That was good, but we lacked a goal and the win.

"In Italy you can’t think you’re going to have a team like Udinese pinned back for 90 minutes. In the first half we suffered a bit. Then in the second half, especially after the half-hour mark, it was all one-way traffic: hitting the post, saves off the line and other incidents that penalised us. The standings? When we also consider these two results we deserve many more points than what we got out of them. It could be that we aren’t cynical enough, I don’t know. But I believe that we can advance well by following this path. 

"Hernanes was a bit restrained in the first half. Allan stuck to him like a shadow. In the second half he got loose a bit and moved well tactically. What mattered was winning and the team tried everything they could. We deserved to get three points, as was the case against Atalanta.

"This season as a coach I have to get the team to play well, to create, and to get the less experienced players to make progress. To get them to understand what it means to be an Inter player. In June we’ll make choices based on the kind of strength the club would like to project. We’ll make the right choices to make my second year here start out in the right way."

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