Over 500 Interisti acclaimed the Nerazzurri players at fan evening in Soave. Forty Inter Clubs represented by regional coordinator Andrea Rizzi


SOAVE -  Marco Andreolli and Ruben Botta were the guests at yesterday's Wivi l'Inter evening in Soave, attended by over 500 passionate Nerazzurri supporters. Joining the players at the fan event reserved for Inter Club members, which involves Nerazzurri-themed entertainment, games and prizes, was Inter Club Coordination Centre director Sergio Spairani. Inter Channel's Roberto Scarpini hosted proceedings.

Forty Inter Clubs were there, represented by regional coordinator Andrea Rizzi. The following clubs received prizes:

1) Inter Club Abano Terme (35th anniversary)
2) Inter Club Basso Vicentino (35th anniversary)
3) Inter Club Quinto di Treviso (35th anniversary)

The proceeds raised during the event were donated to 'Dottor Clown Padova', an association that goes around paediatric wards in hospitals to bring a smile to some of the less fortunate kids.

The 100 children at last night's event were made to feel important and took the opportunity to have their photos taken with the Nerazzurri players and get autographs.  

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