Primavera youngsters Ivusic, Bonazzoli and Palazzi and coach Cerrone share their thoughts with Inter Channel following today's victory

MONZA – After tasting success over AC Milan in today's Primavera cup derby, Salvatore Cerrone and some of his young charges stopped to chat to Inter Channel outside the dressing rooms at the Stadio Brianteo.

First up in front of the camera was Croatian goalkeeper Ivica Ivusic, who had a hand in today's win with a number of big saves. "I want to dedicate this win to my parents and family and take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Christmas," the shotstopper began. He also had praise for his team-mates' performance: "We all played magnificently today, we gave it everything and we're delighted. Personally I'm throwing myself into training 100% and trying to improve my game. Orlandoni keeps telling me I must stay focused, that I must always perform to the very best of my ability."

Next it was the lad who wrapped up the game by hitting Inter's third, Federico Bonazzoli. "I scored? Honestly I didn't think I was playing that well up until then... then I saw the Milan back line had messed up the offside trap. That's when I latched onto the ball, I put my blinkers on [he smiles] and just headed straight for goal. I managed to put it away so I'm really happy. I dedicate it to all my friends, to Luca Maniero, my family and my dad, who came here to support me again today. We won the match by standing up to be counted when our opponents were on top and we managed to put two more past them. It's all because we're so united as a group, that's something we work on every day. It shows in our results too. I wish all the Inter fans a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

From one goalscorer to the next, as Andrea Palazzi then came up to the microphone. "I was in the right place at the right time and I just stuck it away. I've given myself a nice Christmas present! It always feels good to hit the back of the net and even more so in a derby. Then there were all the people who came to see us, at a stadium like that... It's been an amazing day. I dedicate the goal to my family, my girlfriend and all my team-mates who battled away out there on the pitch with me."

Finally, Salvatore Cerrone came over to analyse his team's display. "Their equaliser knocked us out of our stride for a while. It came about from a tiny little mistake too so we kept trying to gee the lads up from the dugout, telling them there was plenty of time left. Then they found their focus again and after five minutes of trying to find their feet they regained their shape.

"We definitely came back into the game in extra time, when we tried to ask questions of the Rossoneri rearguard again. We managed to do that and get the goals to win a tough and exciting match, which the derby always is.

"Lazio in the semis? For now let's just enjoy today, but yes it will be nice to play a team that's not in the same championship group as us. They're the Italian champions as well so it gives us even more motivation and it will help us to see how far we've come.

"Today we showed we can soak up pressure. I remember when we won 1-0 at Udinese we struggled a bit, but if anything wins like these do more for you than a 6-0. It's games like today's that show you what the team's made of. We were struggling after they equalised but then we came through it. That means the team and the players are up to the task. All I can do is congratulate them. I'm very happy."

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