Awaiting the new playing surface so that girls can join in again too, the boys got stuck into training on concrete with the same enthusiasm as always

CASABLANCA – We recently made a successful visit to our Inter Campus centre in Sidi Moumen, in the outskirts of Casablanca. The economic crisis has hit hard here and it's the girls who have had to pay the price: the lack of maintenance has seen the football pitch deteriorate to such a point that it's now just solid concrete, meaning that the girls are not allowed to play on it.

Inter Campus has reached a new agreement with El Massir, an association offering education and sports among the huts and poor housing areas of the neighbourhood, which includes the provision of financial aid to restore the pitch to a playable state again. Six lorry-loads of sand will be brought in to add a soft layer to the pitch.

A meeting with Mr Mjid, of the foundation of the same name, also ensured that new sports equipment will be provided free for the children again this year. 

In the meantime the boys are still playing and tumbling on the ground, despite all the cuts and grazes. Under the guidance of our trainers Lorenzo and Andrea, they got stuck into training and games with the same enthusiasm as always.

Ten male coaches and two female coaches took part in the theory and practical course - our local representative Wafa Latif acting as interpreter - which focused on maintaining the fun element in coaching 6 to 13 year olds.

We will visit the centre again in the spring, when the new pitch will have been laid and the girls will finally be able to take part in training again.

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