Nerazzurri midfielder told Inter Channel: "The ovation for the president and then that roar for Zanetti... What an night!"

MILAN - Esteban Cambiasso gave his thoughts to Inter Channel after the Nerazzurri's 2-0 success over Livorno. This is what the midfielder had to say:

"It wasn't the best we've played, there's no point me standing here and saying anything different. But I can tell you that when you start winning even when you don't play well, it's a good sign. If you want to have a good season you need games like this too.

"The ovation for the president was thoroughly deserved and then there was that roar for Zanetti... It was a highly charged evening and thankfully we crowned it all with a win. The second goal came from one of those surging runs we've become used to seeing from Pupi over the years! It was a goal born in South America, brought up in Europe and then delivered to Japan!

"The knock I took early on did worry me a bit, but fortunately I ran it off as the game progressed and by half time it felt fine again.

"I must say well done to Bardi and Duncan, who are Inter players even though they're wearing different colours for now.  Bardi did brilliantly to pick himself up after the mistake and went on to make some important saves, including one from a shot of mine..."

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