A special evening at Mondadori Multicenter in Milan: the captain tells fans about his autobiography and receives a surprise visit from the president

MILAN – The Mondadori Multicenter in Milan was packed with fans this evening for the presentation of Javier Zanetti's autobiography 'Giocare da uomo' (Play like a man).

The Nerazzurri skipper chatted about his book alongside the man who helped him write it, renowned journalist and writer Gianni Riota, as the fans took in every word, visibly proud of their captain.

Zanetti spoke about his achievements in football and in life, happy moments and less happy ones, the triumphs but also the grit and determination needed to bounce back from defeats.

The evening was made even more special when Massimo Moratti turned up out of the blue, surprising Zanetti and fans like.

After being acclaimed enthusiastically, the president said: "And there I was, expecting to come along to a nice quiet place," he smiled. "But it's always lovely to see such tremendous enthusiasm."

Moratti then joked: "I wanted to ask Zanetti about the history of his planet Krypton and how he managed to keep from everyone that he's actually Superman. He's an extraordinary individual. Extraordinary in his desire, in his professionalism and in the way he does things so well. What's more, he's infinitely reliable. I think he's got another four or five years in him.

"I received a copy of this book a few days ago and unfortunately I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but I doubt it's enough to explain just what a great man he is."

Zanetti replied: "I'm absolutely delighted that the president is here with us. I haven't lost any of my hunger to get back on the pitch and hopefully I'll be able to do that before long. I've always seen it as a privilege to  captain this team."

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