"The penalty? Dubious. Palacio? Humble, class and confident. Did Thohir watch the game? He sent me texts throughout, he too was gutted at the end"

MILAN - Massimo Moratti answered the questions of the press waiting outside the Saras offices this morning.

Read what the Nerazzurri president had to say, in full, here on

The end was a bit of kick in the teeth after the team's approach to the game, their determination etc...
"It was, without a doubt, a great match, the team managed it well despite being made to pay for switching off in the opening minutes. After that they started playing with character and gave everything. This might have gone down as a great game. In the end the result hurts a little but, on the other hand, these things can happen."

Are you also angry about the refereeing decisions which saw Walter Mazzarri not appear before the press?
"Let's say it didn't go our way but we're quite used to that. So, as such, it might have harmed us slightly, but perhaps not in a decisive way. I've got big doubts over the penalty: even as to whether it was a penalty at all. But this is down to the referee or whoever advised the referee, seeing as now there are lots of them who discuss things on the pitch."

Do you think the law needs to be changed with regards to denying a clear goalscoring opportunity?

"The fairest thing to do is to always leave these decisions up to the referee. Then people might still grumble, but it's right that he makes the decisions, otherwise we should just put a computer there. He should be the one to decide, based on what he sees, and yesterday I think he saw something more than what actually occurred."

Walter Mazzarri was very angry with the players, it seemed that Inter weren't in the match at the start. As if they were lost out there, do you agree?
"Too right. The start, as I've just said, was certainly not positive, they were caught off guard. Then they got back into it, but we need to make sure this doesn't happen too often because then you need to fight the whole game to get back into it."

Do you agree with the coach's decision not to talk to the press after the match? The fact that Marco Branca appeared before the media and that the coach was angry with the refereeing decisions...
"I wasn't there so I can't comment on the reasons at that moment as to why he didn't do it. So I prefer not to comment, then we'll look at that internally."

Rodrigo Palacio was incredible again, you must be running out of superlatives for him...
"You're absolutely right, Palacio really is performing well with great humility as well as pure class, skill and confidence. And he's scoring goals, which is essential."

We've heard that Erick Thohir watched the game from Indonesia. Can you confirm this?
"Yes, of course. He was sending me texts throughout on what he was feeling during the game and he was also gutted at the end about what happened. But he's someone who has the patience to understand these things."

And do you have that patience?
"I've learned to be."

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tags: Moratti
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