"I'm just working away and waiting for the time when the coach calls on me to do my bit for the team"

APPIANO GENTILE – After coming through a useful afternoon workout with the Nerazzurri against Locarno this afternoon, Gabi Mudingayi gave an exclusive interview to Sky Sport 24's Silvia Vallini.

This friendly was an opportunity for you to see how you're doing fitness-wise. Can you tell us how you felt and how far along with your recovery you are?
"It was a very important friendly for me and all the others who haven't played so much this season or who are coming back from injury. I felt good. Only towards the end did I start feeling a bit of fatigue. But I think that's quite normal because I haven't played for such a long time, though I've always trained well so I was able to come into this fit. I needed today and so I'm happy."

You got injured eight and a half months ago against Torino, who are your next opponents after the international break. Have you thought about that coincidence? Does it make you want to be involved even more?
"I haven't stopped thinking about making my return and I've always worked hard to get back on the field. It hurts when you see your team-mates playing and you're not able to give them a hand. Now I'm happy. The fact that it happened in Turin is just a coincidence, it's not something I think about. What matters is being with the team and going there to put in a top performance."

What are the chances we'll see you with your team-mates on the pitch after the break and in the matchday squad?
"I'm working really hard. We have a good chance of doing well. I'm just working away and waiting for the time when the coach will call on me to do my bit for the team. The main thing is being fit and work, work, work."

You did your Achilles in, which is the same injury as Javier Zanetti's. Have you given the captain any advice? Have you shared notes?
"We spent a lot of time talking. Since I went through it before he did, Zanetti asked me if I had the same sort of pain as he did. Everyone knows what the captain's like. He's a cheerful character, always laughing. When I got injured I was really down. He's always positive, smiling and just takes everything in his stride. So that gave me strength too because I'd had another problem in the meantime. I tried to train well. Now I'm back and I hope to stay fit."

How well do you feel as a percentage?
"I feel about 80% because we work a lot and we work well every day."

What's your impression of the current Inter side? Is it a team that can get back into Europe or perhaps go even further?
"The thing I've noticed most is how determined everyone is to achieve something important. Everyone knows they're at Inter, that Inter are a big club and that you have to give 100%. We'll see. We all want to be a success. We all want to give blood, sweat and tears for the shirt. And when you give everything you've got, you always reap the rewards."

You know what the mood is like in the dressing room even though you're still waiting to return. There are lots of international players away this week, but has the defeat to Roma scarred the team or is it something you've already put behind you psychologically?
"We always think about the next game. We try to learn from the things we didn't do well in the previous one so that we can go out with more confidence next time and do things we know how to do. The whole team is thinking about the next game. We're focusing on Torino because we want to go there and put in a great performance."

I'm sure you've heard about Thohir. Are you a little curious to find out what the future holds?
"To be honest, I think a lot about the team. I think a lot about getting myself 100% fit again. What happens at club level is for other people to deal with. It's our job to think about the pitch and on doing well there. As for the rest, time will tell."

Has the coach spoken to you? Has he told you what he wants from you when you're available again and what role you have to play in the team?
"We all speak, every day. You can see the way the gaffer plays. He doesn't leave anyone out. When you're called upon you need to know exactly what you have to do - that's why I always work with the rest of the team and I know that when it's time for me to play he'll give me more specific instructions. We always work in the same way. Those who start and those who come on later."

How hungry are you to get back out there? We can remember president Moratti's tears when you got injured.
"I'm very hungry. As I said, I'm lucky to be at this club. I think for any player who has worked as hard as I have over the years, joining a club like Inter means realising a dream. So it's really hard not being able to play while you're sidelined. I'm glad I'm better again now: being able to spend my days here at the Pinetina with my team-mates makes me happy. And I hope to be back on the pitch again soon and playing well."

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