La Fundacion Colombia te quiere ver will be at Inter v Juventus with an information stand in the stadium's executive room

MILAN - La Fundacion Colombia te quiere ver, set up in 2004 thanks to Ivan Ramiro Cordoba and his wife Maria Isabel, is a non-profit organisation which aims to raise money to finance medical and social aid projects for those in need, particularly children in Colombia. It also sponsors and supports programmes on health, education and promoting sport, focusing mainly on those children most in need.

The foundation supports several aid projects including:

- Canteens for kids (Los restaurantes para niños)

This project aims to provide youngsters with basic nutrition. The foundation helps to set up school canteens in the most disadvantaged areas. On a daily basis, primary school kids receive – all year round – a full lunch, complete with a snack, in line with the nutritional guidelines put forward by Bienestar familiar, the body in charge of children's rights in Colombia. The aim of the scheme is to ensure a healthy diet for children (currently 150) to allow them to enjoy a normal physical and scholastic development, reducing the cases of infant malnutrition in the population.

- Foster care for abused children

La Fundacion Colombia te quiere ver directly funds a programme that rescues children from violent homes and is part of a joint project with the Rionegro council, which provides neuropsychological tests for 438 children from public schools with emotional, behavioural, social or academic problems.

- La vereda Ojo de Agua Community Centre

La Fundacion Colombia te quiere ver has set up a large community centre called La vereda Ojo de Agua. It houses a multi-purpose sports field and a church. The community centre is a meeting point and support centre for a local population numbering around 1000.

The foundation also actively supports health aid projects for children and young adults, run by the Santiago Corazon foundation in Medellin and La Divina Providencia in Cali.

For more information visit:

Facebook: Comitato Italiano per la Fundaciòn Colombia te quiere ver onlus

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