Games and football lessons for kids, theory and practice for coaches at Inter Campus centres from Yaoundé and Mbalmayo

YAOUNDÉ – Our Inter Campus team has completed another week's work in the heart of Cameroon, between Yaoundé and Mbalmayo. Inter Campus coaches Alberto Giacomini and Gabriele Raspelli, together with project organiser Massimo Seregni, met local staff, caught up with how the project is getting on and involved over 300 kids from our centres in Messamendongo, Mbafaam, Ekombitié and Mbassam in games and activities.

Mbalmayo was the location for a refresher course entitled 'Education through football, organising a training session and its different phases', which was attended by 45 local coaches. Training sessions with the children provided an opportunity to put the theory learnt into practice, while having fun with the youngsters taking part in the project. The activities concluded with a mini tournament.

The week was organised by our local partner Centre Sportif Camerounais and specifically by Francis Kammogne, national coordinator of the project which works with over 1,800 kids in Cameroon.

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