Coach's post-match reaction to Inter Channel: "The result's the last thing we're looking at. Interested in seeing my ideas starting to get through"

PINZOLO - Nerazzurri coach Walter Mazzarri spoke to Inter Channel just a few moments after watching his side complete their second pre-season friendly, against Vicenza.

"Right now the last thing we're looking at is the result. We're still trying to get our balance right. Over the year we'll come across teams who sit back and wait until they can hit us on the break and we'll have to be more careful. Today we got caught on the counter a few too many times and that's something we have to cut out. We wanted to round off this first phase of our preparations in a certain way and in that respect I'm more than satisfied."

Mazzarri went on: "I got a bit annoyed on some of the set pieces but it's normal that the lads aren't so sharp at the moment and that they can't always remember the things I've been able to instruct them on in this short time we've been working together. In the second half our attacks were more logical and we were more alert, our balance was better. But, as I said, I'm not worried and I'm pleased with the work we've done.

"Tomorrow's friendly in Rovereto? Today I wanted to take a closer look at a few people, some of the younger lads. I mixed youngsters with the older players and I'll do the same tomorrow. I repeat, what I'm interested in is that they're starting to grasp what I'm after. Obviously we're not executing things on the pitch as quickly as I hope to see in the future."

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