Esteban Cambiasso, Hugo Campagnaro, Isaac Donkor and Samuele Longo, along with Bedy Moratti and mayor William Bonomi. All there to thank the fans


PINZOLO - Isaac Donkor summed it up: "The training camp in Val Rendena has been an unforgettable experience. It's really great being here with you to say thanks, thanks a lot for all the support you've shown us."

Samuele Longo reiterated the sentiment: "Sadly I've had this shoulder injury which has hampered my pre-season, but thankfully we're nearly there. You've turned out in great numbers and always supported us."

A surprise for Hugo Campagnaro: "The fans have always been there, at every training session. I honestly believe it's gone well. A lot of work but I felt your backing throughout the training camp. I hope my stay with Inter is a long one."

Huge acclaim for Esteban Cambiasso as he got the crowd going by saying: "I give you 10 out of 10 and not only because of how many of you there are this evening, but because of what you've done throughout the whole training camp. It's been a demanding pre-season for us, as it needs to be in the summer, but it's been great. After a year when things didn't go well, you've always supported us and given us the boost to go again, all together. We really want to be back in front of you in a town square, but in a bigger square than this one... Piazza del Duomo in Milan."

The four Nerazzurri - on behalf of the whole team - thanked the fans in Piazza Carera last night for their support throughout the training camp. Here are some exclusive photos from the evening, on

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