To Inter Channel: "These fans are our extra man, I thank them because our season's getting off to the best possible start and it's down to them"

MILAN - Fredy Guarin spoke to Inter Channel about Inter, Walter Mazzarri, Milan, the fans, the coming season and lots more beside. Read what the midfielder had to say in full as he spoke this afternoon to Radio Appiano:

It's your third season at Inter, and your second summer training camp, what are your thoughts after the first few days here?

"I feel really good, as I've always said I'm proud to play for this team, it's my second (and a half) season and I've always felt good here. They make me feel like another member of this family, with the desire to always improve."

You've just started with a new coach, working hard, putting in a lot of running in the mountains... are you physically well too?

"Yes, it's what you're looking for at this stage of the season, you try to work on fitness and the mental side too, that's the most important thing during a training camp. I feel good, I'm working well with the whole squad and we're trying to be at our best come the start of the season."

How were your holidays?

"Great, there wasn't much time but I spent it all with my family, my parents, my siblings... as well as a lot of friends who I hadn't seen in a while. It's always great to see them all when I go back to Colombia."

When the team appeared in the main square in Pinzolo, Esteban Cambiasso thanked the fans, and there are many. Do you have anything to say to them?

"Obviously it's really important for us that the fans are the extra man for the team when we play. Their support gives us the strength to bring out the team's character. I thank them because they're doing a lot towards us starting the season in the best way possible."

You gave up your number 14 for Campagnaro, a lovely gesture, and took the number 13 which you wear for the national team...

"Yes, I've always worn that since I was a youngster in the Under 15s, it's a number that my family and I really like. Maicon had it when I joined and I had to wait, then last year I said no out of respect to Maicon because he was a very important player for the club. So I waited a year and now, as it was still available, I took it, which then allowed me to give 14 to Campagnaro."

Are you superstitious?

"Not really, but as it's the number I've always worn for Colombia, where I've always performed well... given the chance to wear it here too..."

The fans see you as one of the most important players in the squad, everyone expects a great deal from you. What's your relationship with Inter like? Do you feel the burden of being an important player? And what do you think of Milan?

"Last year I felt the relationship between the fans and me was very important, the truth is they're huge for me. I've always been a Millionarios fan in Colombia, I used to go to the ground to support them and cheer them on... obviously I always want to see my team win! I really understand the fans' passion, I've seen how highly they rate me and that obviously affords me greater responsibility and gives me added motivation. I always hope to keep improving, day in, day out. I really like Milan, as do my family and my children."

Is it an easy city to live in?

"It's not an easy city to live in. I've always said to my relatives that when I'm with the team training it's one life, when I'm in the city or the middle of town it's another. I'd like to find a balance between these two different lifestyles."

You're working hard not only physically, but also on tactics. It seems like Mazzarri's approach brings out the best of the wide midfielders in a three-man system, you've always said that's your natural position. Do you think this training approach can bring out the best in you?

"I think so, if you have a coach like Mazzarri who wants to get the best out of every player, so much the better for us. We saw it at Napoli with Hamsik, Inler and Pandev, players who just took off from one moment to the next and came on a great deal with Mazzarri. We need to make the most of the fact we're lucky enough to work with him, and if we all do so, results will no doubt follow."

2014 is a World Cup year. Are Colombia one of the favourites?

"We're improving, we've got young players and we're trying to show that there are big players in Colombia and that we can make a name for ourselves on the world stage. For example, what we did at Porto was an important step for Colombian players in Europe, we won a lot there. Then Zapata, Zuniga, Muriel and a host of other players came, burst onto the scene and are proving the difference. Our time will come!"

How important is it to play well for Inter to be at the World Cup?

"Obviously it matters a great deal, players always need to be performing at their best for their club sides to be called up into the national team. Inter are hugely important, not only in terms of the World Cup, but also for my career in general."

How important is it having Ivan Cordoba around?

"I was lucky enough to have him as a team-mate, he retired six months later, but I think he could have continued a bit longer. He's a hero, not just of mine, in Colombia everyone my age thinks he's a legend, but he's also very important for me off the field."

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