The Croatian midfielder gave an exclusive interview to Sky Sport Italia: "We'll improve and get back to the top. My inspiration? I'm myself"

APPIANO GENTILE – Representing the present and future of Inter, Mateo Kovacic spoke in an exclusive interview with Sky Sport Italia on his first few months with the club and those still to come in a Nerazzurri shirt.

"I’m very happy. Inter are a great club and it’s a pleasure to play here. This year we played badly, but next year will be our year. Having so many injuries played a part in our missing out on Europe, but I hope next year will be better, that new players will come and that we can build an even stronger team," stated the Croatian midfielder to Matteo Barzaghi.

On whether he feels pressure to be the new symbol of Inter, Kovacic stated his feelings clearly: "No, I don’t feel any pressure because I still don’t feel like a symbol. Zanetti are Stankovic are symbols. Was I expecting to make an impact like this in Italy? I knew I could play football well, but I hope to do even better."

On his favourite role on the pitch: "The coach explained to me where I play, but in my opinion my best role is in the centre of midfield." Andrea Stramaccioni has always had words of praise for him, and the Croat spoke about this and the possibility of beginning next season with the coach: "I thank him for what he’s said. He’s young and a good coach, but these kinds of decisions on the future aren’t up to me. Next year’s Inter will be better than this year’s. We have no choice but to do better. Do I see only Inter in my future? I’m not thinking now about my future. I’m happy here and hope to stay as long as possible."

There’s also talk on the possibility of seeing Luka Modric at Inter: "He’s a phenomenal player, but I think he’ll stay in Madrid. Could I play with him? Yes, it’s great to play with him on the national team because he’s so talented. It would be great if he came to Inter but, again, I believe he’ll stay in Spain. Vrsaljko? He’s a good friend, and very young, but Inter make these kinds of decisions."

Finally came a question on who his idols are, and whether he can be the new Boban, Mateo smiled and said: "He’s a Rossoneri, I’m a Nerazzurri. I’m Kovacic, I’m myself."

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